Black Kitty just jumped up onto
my lap as I sat in a kitchen chair, and she cleared my arm as I was typing.
Quite a jump, for a 19 ½-year-old Kitty that almost died a month and a half
Since Victoria got her fish tank and filled it with various types of fish that we
haven’t had before, we’ve learned a few interesting things. For instance:
Nerite snails have a hard time turning over. So
one should avoid dropping them into the water and letting them float to the
bottom landing in various random positions. If they land upright, they’ll be able to
quickly get acclimated to their new surroundings. If they land upside down, though, they’ll have
a very difficult time turning themselves over to the upright position, and in
fact might find it almost impossible to right themselves. If left upside down, a snail can die that way.
Ladies on one of the quilting groups were
discussing mending. Some likened it to
Rembrandt white-washing a fence; others find it relaxing. I don’t mind mending at all. <ahem> Let me restate that: I don’t mind mending, much. But when an unknown
coworker of Larry’s admired his neat patches on his jeans and asked if I would
do his too, I said, “Sure! $5.00 per
patch.” I can put one on in five minutes
or so – that would pay me $60/hour, should I have 12 patches to put on, and
should I not interrupt myself (“Oh, look!
Squirrel on the bird feeder, squirrel on the bird feeder!”). I’m willing to patch jeans for unknown
individuals, if I make $60 an hour! Why,
even if it takes me ten minutes to
put on a patch, I’d still make $30 an hour, if I had six patches to do. I often made $25-30/hour, back when I
actually did mending for hire. Of
course, I couldn’t put in just a whole lot
of time before baby needed to be changed, and children needed to be fed. $30/hour is more than I make quilting, but
let’s not tell anybody that, shall we?
There is a certain satisfaction in taking a pile of
otherwise nice clothes, other than some quallyfobble that renders them unusable
(hem out, button off, hole in random seam, etc.) and, in not too awfully long,
winding up with a pile of now-usable clothing.
It’s just the forcing myself to quit with the fun stuff and get on with
the mending that takes some bit of fortitude.
I tell myself, You can’t quilt
until you fix Victoria’s skirt! And
... sometimes ... that works.
Tuesday afternoon, I ironed a piece of moiré taffeta, another of
jacquard satin, and a third of re-embroidered lace, and started on the ribbon
embroidery picture I plan to give Lura Kay for her birthday.
That evening I took some food to Loren. Once again, he insisted on giving me some money
for gas, food, and time. He certainly
would never be one of those persons who would ask for a quilt for $5.00! After leaving his house, I went to Menards
and got a gift card for Jeremy for his birthday. Seems like we give him the same ol’ thing
over and over again... but we thought it would be a good choice, since he will
soon start on the addition to their house (technically, an addition – but the addition will be much
larger than the original house).

Silk ribbon is not cheap. Maybe I can make enough gifts with them that
it will be worth the money I’ve spent?

I broke no less than five chenille needles
before I got smart enough to choose a BIG one.
Pulling 13mm silk ribbon through lace, taffeta moiré, and muslin
required some good tugging with my little spring-loaded pliers.
Wednesday morning, I was taking pictures of
the grackles and cardinals on the feeders, when my camera croaked. The shutter/mirror gave up the ghost. Bit the dust. Done! Finito.
Terminado. The end!
I moved settings... changed lenses... blew
lint from sensors... took out the battery... put it back in... tried a newly
recharged battery... a different card...
![]() |
The last shutter falls |
But I knew perfectly well the shutter was
shot. I’ve had it happen to other
cameras before this one. I heard it happen... I saw it happen... and I could
hear the shutter trying to return to its proper place, even when the camera was
‘off’. So I took the battery out.
Truth is, I’ve been expecting this to happen
for the last couple of years, and been surprised it hadn’t. I knew my
camera was well over the usual life expectancy, and didn’t even realize how far
over it really was. I’d taken a lot more pictures with that
camera than I thought—almost 140,000 pictures. I got it new in August 2008. So it perished in a
good old age, full of touching memories, hair-raising adventures, and beautiful
scenery. Guess I should just be
thankful it lasted as long as it did.
But... in the meantime... there were
shimmering grackles at the bird feeder... bright finches in the blossoming
peach tree waiting their turn... the yellow tulips with the pinkish-red stripes
were in bloom... and Teensy was in the Big Boss (six-wheeler), in the front
passenger seat right in the sunlight!
Right now, all I have in the feeder is black oil
sunflower seeds – and the grackles are delighted. They’d be able to eat the harder striped
sunflower seeds just fine – but even the big birds like the black oil seeds best,
because they’re easier to crack open.
Okay, time for decisions... I could get
a camera from Nebraska Furniture Mart’s Electronics Department, or I could get
one on Amazon – I’ve seen some really good deals on cameras like mine.
Time for some digital investigation! Meanwhile, where’s Victoria’s
I didn’t want to buy a used or refurbished camera, since
I use it so extensively. I wear out shutters – so I don’t want to get one
that already has some of its use partially used up.
Gotta get something fast,
though. Can’t survive more than a day without a camera!!! Can I?!
Oh! – and there was a wedding coming up on
Sunday. So that ruled out ordering one; there wasn’t enough
time. I pulled up Nebraska Furniture
Mart’s website.
Hmmmm... they had the Canon T51, a similar camera to mine, but with a few
more bells and whistles, on sale for $700.
I spent $1,200 on my Xsi in 2008 – and now they are less than half that
Funny, how that works.
The SL1 is $500... but I didn’t want to get something
that’s not as good as the ones I’ve had; I’d be disappointed, I think.
The T51 has movie mode – I’ve never had that, in my good Canons, only in my
first point-and-shoot digital Vivitar, which was a good little camera, but
There’s a 70D for $1,350 – it has built-in wireless.
I didn’t really want to spend that much, especially since I’m beginning to
think I may have to replace my laptop sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Plus, I’d sure like to upgrade my quilting machine... and my sewing machine
(Bernina Artista 180) has been misbehaving now and then, and I think it’s just
a matter of time before it expires... So I mustn’t spend it all in one
place. But I have to have a camera. Don’t I?!

I like top-of-the-line stuff, but I reckon I can survive
with slightly under top-of-the-line. Maybe. Our
toys – no, I should say, the things we need!
– certainly increase in price as we get older, do they not?
That morning, Victoria had an appointment at
the Vision Center in Wal-Mart; she needed new glasses and wanted to get
contacts again. She hasn’t used them for
a couple of years. They had the correct
contacts in stock, but the glasses had to be ordered. They came in today. Her eyesight has improved in the last five
years, but she still needs corrective lenses.
Her manager at Earl May Gardening Center
asked her to come in that afternoon, though she’d been scheduled to have the
day off, as it was a lovely day, and the gardening customers were coming in
droves. She’s been working enough hours
that she doesn’t have time for much else – she even forgot about some of the
plants she got for her garden, and they didn’t get planted or watered, and may
or may not survive.
I got a few ribbon flowers and some pieces of lace added to the picture:
Thursday, I headed to Nebraska Furniture Mart’s
Electronics Department to look for a camera. I feel like I’ve lost my
right arm, when my camera is defunct!
When I arrived and found my way through the huge
Electronics building to the camera department, I was glad I’d researched the
matter: there were hundreds and hundreds
of nice cameras to choose from, in row after row of long counters. I zeroed in on the DSLRs, found the row with
the Canons, and ---- there it was. The Rebel T5i. I
gave it a try, looked at a few others.
The salesman pulled out the new one, the T6i, that they’d just gotten in
the day before. They didn’t even have
any in stock yet, other than the display model; it would have to be
ordered. It was $200 more than the T5i,
mainly because of Wi-Fi, and it supposedly focused faster, though I couldn’t
really tell it. I don’t need Wi-Fi. Not for $200 extra, I don’t.
All my lenses would fit the camera. It felt even lighter in weight than the Xsi. The focus with the new 18-55mm lens is silent
– a great improvement from the old kit lens.
Thirty minutes later, I was back in the Jeep, eating the
lunch I’d brought along. The new camera
was out of the box, lens and strap on camera, battery and card inserted, and
the first couple of pictures promised excellent clarity, light, and color.
I stopped at the Bernina Store in Omaha, and discovered.
. . . . the Bernina Q24 – a 24” longarm – is out! Soon, it
will be followed by the smaller 20”, and also the 20” sit-down model. The
studio frame has been improved even more, and ooooo... I need
it. I need the new 780, too.

I will say that, each time I look at these
shiny brochures: “I am very thankful for what I have. I am very
thankful for what I have. I am very thankful for what I have.”
The navigation in the Jeep worked great, if you discount
the fact that the nice lady in the dash directed me to jump off a bridge or
plow my way through a cornfield now and then. (Doesn’t that thing update
itself, or what?!) Still, she led me right to the Bernina Store without
the slightest quimble or quaver, so that’s worth something.
I got back from Omaha at a quarter after
eight... washed the dishes I’d left to culture in the sink... started a load of
clothes... mopped the kitchen floor (had to; a tray of young ice cubes fell out
of the freezer)... fixed a late supper (ancient encrusted cod from Schwans [yummy],
asparagus spears, and mandarin oranges)... readjusted all the compartments in
my big camera case to perfectly fit the new camera and lenses... and was finally
seated in my recliner by a quarter after eleven, heating pad behind me, SD card
in my laptop, prepared to take a look at the pictures I’d taken with my camera
at Fremont Lakes. I didn’t take as many as I’d have liked; it was late,
getting chilly, and I was worried about old Black Kitty, who needs to be fed
soft food multiple times a day, as she can’t eat much at a time.

I suspect there are a whole lot of other nifty things to
find out about this camera – which is just one of the reasons I like reading
the manual. Gotta learn more about it! –
I hate to have a toy that I don’t fully know how to use. It did a good
job in less-than-optimal conditions... I’m
looking forward to giving it a real run for its money.

I got that flash with my first Canon DSLR –
and because of the extra lenses and the tripod I got, I got it for $75.
That was 11 years ago. Even now, that particular flash, used, sells for
$90. I saw new flashes at the Mart for anywhere from $350 to $600.
Good grief.
Friday, a customer’s quilt arrived from
Florida. She is having the back and
batting sent to me directly
from the online store where she purchased them.

Saturday, I continued working on the
embroidery. I spent considerable time making
small wads that are supposed to be French knots. Never have been any good at those things, whether with embroidery floss, yarn, or
silk ribbon (though I will say that they improved, with practice). Hannah recently showed me a picture she was
making with silk ribbons. Of course, it
was just as lovely as any of her creations are; her hands are skilled. There were foxgloves made of multitudes of
perfect little French knots – they looked like tiny braided donuts, resting
smoothly on the fabric.
I informed her, “I’m jealous of your French knots!”

I have just a few more flowers to add, and I’ll
be done with the ribbon embroidery.
Next, I’ll add beads to the picture.
Oh! I
just noticed that the lady at www.craftyattic.com, Kate Prothero-Davies, has posted several new tutorials
since last time I looked. Her
silk-ribbon-embroidery tutorials are what really got me started in ribbon embroidery. I love seeing all the beautiful things she
makes. (Plus, I like listening to her
British accent.)

So I dabble around and try to imitate the
embroidery masters, and am now and then surprised when something turns out not
as good as theirs, but quite acceptable.
And I take care to never show the recipient of my stitchery and doodads
the pictures from which I got my inspiration.
I took a couple of shots of a bright little
house finch. Even on that rainy, overcast
day, my new camera picked up color and pulled in light quite well – and that,
with a long lens on.
![]() |
Irises |
![]() |
Veronica and Orchid buds |
I remembered to sew my name tag on the table topper for the wedding the
next night; aren’t you proud of me? The
kitchen and living room got a lick-and-a-promise cleaning job... I tossed a
load of clothes into the dryer... practiced a couple of songs on the piano...
rescued a baby bunny from one of my horrid carnivores... and plucked a tick off
of Black Kitty. And then it scrambled
loose whilst I was trying to set laptop and Kitty down in order to properly
dispose of said tick. I hunted high and
low, and I searched low and high, to no avail.
pinched him with my fingernails (through a Kleenex, mind you) good and proper
just before he escaped, still wiggling and scrambling. Them thar bug critters are tough.
But maybe I shortened his lifespan.
“I’ll probably find it perched atop my head
in the middle of the church service tomorrow,” I wrote to a friend. “Or at least I’ll be a-thinkin’ it’s atop my head, whether it’s there or not!”
She wrote back, “It won’t be perched on your head; it will be burrowed into your scalp, having
I scrubbed and shampooed extra good Sunday morning before
getting ready for church, just to be sure there was no tick on me. Or if there is, and I missed him, at least he’s
nice and clean.
Sunday evening was the wedding of Emily,
Larry’s cousin’s daughter, to Mitchell,
cousin of Jeremy. And I had a new camera!
It was almost 11:30 p.m. before we got home. I took 145 photos. And I see that my new camera does much better than the old camera at
drawing in available light when I can’t (or don’t want to) use the flash. I’m pleased with it.
Victoria has been getting in at least 40
hours a week the last couple of weeks, and that will likely continue all
through the growing season, as Earl May’s gardening season picks up.
I killed one wasp in the bathroom this
morning, and there’s another in there now. There’s a huge nest up near the Wi-Fi dish;
we need to get rid of it.
I acquired a nasty ol’ headache about noon,
along with various other aches and pains a bit more troublesome than usual. I took an aspirin. The headache raged on. I took a couple of Tylenol. They can make a computer the size of a pea – so why
can’t they make pills the size of a fleck of lint??
And now, I’d better get busy on that ribbon
embroidery. I want to finish it before I
start on my customer’s quilt.
,,,>^..^<,,, Sarah Lynn ,,,>^..^<,,,