February Photos

Friday, May 29, 2020

Video: Hapless House Finch's Serenading Goes Unappreciated

"Stop that infernal screeching, you oaf!"

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Photos: Front Yard

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Photos: Irises, Lilacs, and a Swallowtail



Starling with worms for her babies, scolding me as I worked in the flower gardens.

Iris buds



Clematis bud

Sarah Lynn

Dark form Eastern Tiger swallowtail

Silver-spotted skipper


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Photos: Drive to David City and Omaha

This morning we took my brother to his doctor in David City for a checkup.  Only one other person was allowed to go in with him, on account of COVID-19, so I went for a walk in Memorial Park across the street.  

It was a cloudy, rainy day, but the bullfrogs, robins, house wrens, Baltimore orioles, and Eurasian collared doves were in full chorus.

We took Loren home, and then later this afternoon we went to Omaha to get a grille guard for the pickup Larry is rebuilding.