We have a fairly new CVS store in town, built
as usual right across the street from Walgreens. I haven’t been in it
yet. One of these days I need to check it out and see how prices
compare. The parking lot is definitely
better; Walgreens’ lot is narrow, L-shaped, and the parking stalls are straight,
as opposed to slanted. Whoever designed
it drives a Fiat 500.
I drive a Jeep Commander. It’s hard enough
getting into those spaces with it – so just imagine what it was like
trying to park the Yukon we used to have.
Hey! I just discovered Windows logo key
plus Enter turns on Narrator, which proceeds to read whatever is on the
screen! How ’bout dat.
He does sound a wee bit, uh, robotish,
which isn’t a word, but should be, and would be, had Noah Webster,
Jr., ever heard Mr. Micro Soft Narrator narrate. (He probably didn’t know what ‘robot’ meant,
but that’s beside the point.)
brought home ‘The Works Nachos’ from Amigos for supper last Monday night. Why don’t they let a person order half the size of the regular order, if
they prefer? And it would be nice if
they would then only charge half the price,
too. The amount they consider ‘one serving’
is enough for three people of normal size. Which may explain why a good many people on
the streets of town are three times the normal size, eh?
The local mockingbird sang again that night,
from 12:30 a.m. to about 3:45 a.m. In addition to all the pretty little
songbird songs he copies, he can perfectly imitate the killdeer, the red-tailed
hawk, and even the granddaddy bullfrog in our little pond. I like to open
the windows, so I can listen to him.
friend was talking about her plans for a Memorial Day family reunion being
thwarted by first one, then another, family member. I suggested, “Maybe you could do as the man
in the ‘Parable of the Great Supper’ did:
when he sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden,
‘Come; for all things are now ready,’ they all with one consent began to make excuse...
so the master of the house told his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets
and lanes of the city, and the highways and hedges, and bring in hither the
poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind, that my house may be filled.’”
That reminded
me of a time one of our quartets was singing a song with similar words. I was at the piano, and the group was
standing around it as we practiced. The song was lively, and a lot of
words went by at a fast clip. The lady singing alto got her tang toungled,
and sang lickety-split, ‘the blame, the malt, the hind, the blepper’ – and
everyone got so cracked up they couldn’t at all sing that song. We had to switch songs and start all over
afternoon, I spotted a tiger swallowtail out on the lilacs – first one I’d seen this year. I rushed off to grab my 300mm
at this amazing photo of a large tornado, taken by a storm chaser near Dodge
City, Kansas, that night. There
was bad weather around us, and a few smaller tornadoes to our west and
south. I keep WeatherBug, AccuWeather,
weather.com, and Microsoft weather app up and running on my computer during
times of bad weather. I also get email notifications from the Weather
Channel about any severe weather. Reckon that’s enough?
That day, I worked on a quilt pattern in EQ7 (my
Electric Quilt program), trying to make it match the table topper I just
finished so I could post it for sale on Craftsy. EQ7 – a combination of two things I
like: quilting and computering.
Larry went for a one-hour bike ride that
night, as he often does these days, averaging 17.6 mph even though half of the
time he was pedaling into a breeze of over 15 mph. He’s feeling a whole
lot better since he got his new bike and starting riding every day. His blood pressure has gone done to normal
and he doesn’t need to take his medicine anymore at all.
by shortly after noon, the houseplants were watered... the bills were
paid... the last load of clothes was folded and put away... the bathroom was clean...
the dishes were washed ... the piano had been played... the bird feeders had
been filled... and I’d gotten the Pineapples and Pinwheels table topper pattern
listed on Craftsy and Etsy. The next order of business was to get the newest
pattern for the Buoyant Blossoms BOM finished and listed. The block
itself was done; I only needed to make the pattern and photos into a pdf file
and make sure the instructions were comprehensible.
paused to watch a big bunny in the neighbor’s yard as he crept up on an old tractor. He wanted to sniff one of the big tires, but
something was spooking him, so he was all stretched out looong, trying to stay a
safe distance back, keep his running apparatus in gear, and sniff the tire all at
the same time. He looked like a Weiner
bunny. haha
To answer some questions I have
received: I appliqué by machine using a
blanket stitch, wider with contrasting thread sometimes, and other times very
narrow with matching thread so it doesn’t show.
When I began appliquéing a few years ago, I
bought a little bottle of Roxanne’s Glue-Baste-It so I
could have the nifty little bottle with the needle-nose applicator. Kind
of pricey, but I wanted that applicator. When I run out, I fill it with
2/3 Elmer’s School Glue and 1/3 water. Works
great, and it’s cheap. It washes out fine (or you can just leave it and
not bother washing it out – I’ve never had a problem), and it never stains the
After starching, folding, and ironing over
the edges of all the little appliqué pieces, I print the pattern on thin
newsprint... lay it on my lightbox... lay the background fabric on the
pattern... and glue the appliqué pieces in the proper place one after another
(after removing the freezer paper from each one as I go along).
This appliqué method takes some time, but
it’s worth it, as the edges are always so smooth and crisp. The basket
was a bit tricky, as some pieces had to be woven in and out of others. I sometimes
used a tweezer to get them in place. But
it was fun to make.
Friday evening,
it was suddenly pouring rain and lightninginginginging (I never
know where to stop, with that word). So much for Kurt and Victoria’s picnic!
But Victoria had sub sandwiches, potato salad, and fruit salad packed already,
so they took it to Kurt’s house and ate there.
After all my bragging about some great number
of patterns I’d sold, I think I sold only two, the week before last. But that night I got a notification that someone had purchased
eight patterns from my Etsy store. That
helps with the averages!
Kurt and Victoria went to Henry Doorly Zoo in
Omaha Saturday. Afterwards, they stopped by Jo-Ann Fabrics to order chiffon
for the bridesmaids’ and candlelighters’ sleeves and sashes.

I worked on the next part of the Buoyant
Blossoms quilt – paper-pieced
pinwheels. Or at least I started working on them. The pinwheels are in a nine-patch; five pinwheels
and four plain squares make up each block.
I didn’t get many pinwheels done before Larry came home and asked if I
wanted to go with him to Omaha to pick up a ‘man-lift’ he’d bought through an
online auction. The owner had listed it cheap as ‘non-running’, but the
battery and charger were good, and exactly what Larry needed for one of his scissor
lifts. Today he discovered, however,
that he’d gotten more for his money than expected, because there was only a
small glitch keeping the thing from running.
He fixed it, and it works, and he now has a $1,200 lift to sell, and he
only paid $350 for it. But that means he
still needs a battery and charger for his scissor lift.

So, instead of paper-piecing, I edited a few hundred
pictures as we drove. Can you see the baby katydid on
this peony blossom? More photos here: Flowers,
bugs, birds, and cats
afternoon, I gathered table topper, box of Color Catchers, the note telling
what the quilt was for and how to launder it, a card, the gift bag, and some
tissue paper. I did my best to make it
look pretty – and then I sent a note to Hester, whose gift bags always look perfect
and lovely: “Why
are you so far away when I need you? And why does your tissue paper in a
gift bag always looks so pretty, and mine looks so wadded and bedraggled?”
Receiving no immediate answer, I thought, There are tutorials for everything else
on youtube, so maybe...
Sure enough, there was a tutorial for ‘How to
put tissue into a gift bag.’
I watched it.
Then I took my multiple layers of tissue paper back out of the bag,
found the center of each large piece, gave it a little shake, smoothed it, and twisted
the center slightly, making it look like a giant flower. I tucked it into the bag, and repeated the
effort with seven or eight more pieces.
Wonder of wonders, the bag didn’t just look presentable, it looked downright pretty.
I returned to my computer, and found an
answer from Hester: “Lololol.
I just watched YouTube ‘how-to’ videos. ” haha
then it was time to go to the wedding. Pastor
Justice, a pastor friend from Victory Baptist Church in Kansas City, where Joel
used to go to church with his family, gave the message for the service.
the reception, we were watching Joel and Heidi open gifts, while people milled
around and visited in our big, new Fellowship Hall. The flooring isn’t
down yet; it was just smooth concrete; the air conditioning isn’t in yet, but
there were ceiling fans and some big floor fans blowing cooled air from the
church hallway into the large Fellowship Hall; so the temperature wasn’t
bad. It was nice to once again just go down the hallway from the
sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall, instead of driving out to our friend Tom’s
camper sales place, where we’ve been meeting since they tore down the old building.
And I’ll betcha Tom was tickled pink that he didn’t have to clear all the
campers and equipment out of his big building again!
anyway... I was trotting about taking photos, and when I noticed they
were about to get to the bag with the table topper in it, I skedaddled to the
forefront of the crowd, got all positioned, and waited for the exact moment.
removed the variously-colored tissue paper I’d (twice) put into the bag.
They both peered in... Heidi touched the quilt, they started to take it from
the bag... I saw them pause and read my note... then I saw her mouth the words,
“Ohhh, she made it,” ... my finger tensed on the shutter button --------
And a
flock of clueless ladies moved in immediately between me and the gift table,
and there they stalled out, chirping, squawking, tweeting, and twittering as
flocks of ladies do. And there they stayed.
couldn’t quickly move left or right, as other people had paused on either side
of me, and a table and chairs were just behind me.
I am 5’ 2.5”. I do not believe anyone around me was shorter than
least, that’s what it felt like.
me,” I said politely to first one and then another, trying to quickly worm my
way to a new vantage point. I could’ve better gotten out of that spot had
I just started gnawing on a few ankles.
But my Mama was a stickler for Behaving Politely in Public.
room is huge. Why was it only crowded right where I was, and
right where I wanted to be???!
By the
time I escaped the swarm, the bag with its contents was long gone, whisked off
by the gift-opening helpers, and several more packages had been scooted into
its place.
well. I saw what Heidi said; that’ll suffice. And I did get
quite a lot of good photos of numerous people plus the wedding party.
is Memorial Day. Larry has been working
in the yard. I’m doing what I usually do
on Mondays – washing clothes and typing my journal.
and Victoria and Jared took our kayaks out on a pond somewhere, and now Robin
has gone with them to play baseball or volleyball or something.
posting some of my vacation photos on a photography forum, I came upon this
shot that I took in the Florida Panhandle, somewhere around Apalachicola. Brown pelicans are so funny-looking, like
something out of a Dr. Seuss book.
upon a time when I was 12 years old, I was with my parents on a dock in Sidney
Mines, Nova Scotia, waiting for a big ship to come into the harbor. We were going to Newfoundland. I was standing beside a pole, and on it stood
a tall brown pelican. It hadn't even
twitched, and I had not considered the possibility that it could be real – I
thought it was part of the post, a wood carving!
it rattled its beak.
I, who have never been jumpy, nearly jumped out of my hide.
the worst thing was the smell.
Arrgghh, that thing’s beak was rank. The fish it had squirreled away in there were
not new produce, let me tell you.
Well, I’d better get busy with those pinwheels for the
Buoyant Blossoms BOM. I sure haven’t gotten
much done for the last week. Except blow my nose. I’ve gotten quite
adept at that.
,,,>^..^<,,, Sarah Lynn ,,,>^..^<,,,