Last Tuesday
found me (again, still) working on the photo-music movie I wanted to burn to
DVDs for my friends for Christmas. I’d have been done with the original Monday, if Movie Maker was
up-to-date (latest one, the one I downloaded onto my new computer, was a 2012
version), and more compatible with my 2016 laptop, and if the program itself
had more memory. Sooo... Tuesday night I
redid it all on my old laptop. And then... I clicked ‘Save as .wmv’ (there
is no option to save it as an .mp4 file) and held my breath. That was
where it hung up on the new laptop, every time. Frustrating. I shot
six songbirds and kicked a cat, trying to get that dumb thing to work.
Not... really. (I always have to
add that, for those literal-minded folk who read my letter.)
Leaving the
computer working, I went to bed.
morning, I clambered back out of bed, went to check on the movie – and it was done.
If the 2011
version of Movie Maker can do it, why can’t the 2012 version do it??
Guess I need
to look for a different movie maker.
I clicked
‘Play’, scanned quickly through it, found no problems, and so transferred it
via external hard drive to the new computer to turn it into a DVD. If I could
just get that first DVD burnt, I could start the duplicating! And the
Christmas service was that very night.
I pulled up
the DVD maker and started the disc burning without issue. It didn’t ask
me for title or cover or anything, as the old program had done, and I, expecting
it to do so, neglected to look at options for title cover and prologue music.
Well, what happens, happens, I
thought, and scurried off to wash and curl hair, hoping it wasn’t throwing in a
default of Up On The Housetop, as an old program once did.
Maybe if I
used these programs a little more often, I’d get a little smarter at it!
By noon, the
duplicators were spinning away. One
burns five discs at a time; the older one, just one. As soon as the first five were done, I used
one of the newly burnt ones in the single dupe (it’s a good word) and there we
were then, with six burning at
Hmmmm... the single duper (another good word) must be
high-speed; the multi-dupe must not be.
Or at least, it isn’t set on high-speed.
If there is such a
setting. I’d plugged empty discs into
both at the same time, and when I checked a few minutes later, the single was on
56% done, while the multi was only on 19%.
I don’t recall that being the case last year!
But then, I don’t recall what I did last week, so who’s to
‘Multi-dupe.’ I went
to school with one of those.
1:00 p.m., 20 DVDs were done, and 6 more were burning. 90 more to
go. I needed to put one in each of the Christmas cards I was taking
to our service that night. Could I do it?
Could I DO IT??!!! If the dupers would just hurry... hurry...
While the next set of discs burnt, I took deeper seams in the
bright red Pendleton wool suit jacket Lura Kay had given me, as it was a bit
too big through the midriff.
Half an hour later, I stuck more discs
into the duplicator. While it worked, I clipped
and ironed seams and sewed the lining back in.
I took out finished discs... inserted blanks... and tried
the jacket on. Just right! It fit perfectly. I dashed upstairs and grabbed the pleated
skirt, then rushed back downstairs to press the pleats back sharply into it. You’ll recall perhaps that I got the skirt on
eBay, and then had to run it through the dryer with Dryel (spray and wet cloth
treated with dry-cleaning chemicals), because it positively reeked of
On the bright side, there are absolutely no moth holes in
it. In fact, I’m pretty sure all wool-eating moths not only in my
house, but also in all the neighbors’ houses fled for dear life, the
moment I opened the package.
**Just doing my part for mankind in Middle Cornland.
Problem: ironing those pleats back in resurrected the
Eau de Mothball fragrance. :-P
Fortunately, by the time we were heading to church, the
scent had faded almost entirely.
An online quilting friend, in answer to
a post I wrote with the above query, “Can I get all this done in time?!”
responded, “If you just weren’t so lazy. It is all the idle time of doing
nothing that is slowing you down.”
That made me laugh right out loud. The cats in the vicinity turned and looked at
Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said something on the order of, “All
men are lazy; some are just lazier than others”?
I admit to this, and this only: I work hard – on
exactly what I want to work hard on.
Some of my friends who love to work in their flowerbeds and gardens
would take a look at mine and mutter under their breaths at how very lazy I am,
because sometimes the weeds outpace the flowers or strawberries or tomatoes. Others who daily wage valorous warfare on
dust would look at my end tables, headboard, dresser, or bookcase and shudder.
But the dishes are washed, the floor is swept (even mopped!), the carpets are vacuumed
fairly often, and things are where they belong.
Ahem. Most things are where they belong.
I decided to find out exactly how long it took to burn those
discs, so I pulled up a stopwatch and checked it out: The single duplicator does a disc (these are
full discs, with an hour and 29 minutes of music and photo-slideshow) in 8
minutes and 23 seconds.
The 5-slot duper (good word, yes?) does 5 discs in 17
minutes and 27 seconds.
So now we know.
By a quarter after 4, there were only 8 more discs to go, and
5 of those were half done. When I saw I
was going to make it, I started sticking the finished ones into envelopes and
sealing them. Around 120 DVDs...
finished and stuffed into cards and envelopes by 5:00 p.m. It was time to don my glad rags.
Once nattily
clad and coiffed, I had enough time to iron about half of the tea towels I needed
to embroider. I had big ideas about coming home after the Christmas
service and getting started on those. But I waaaaaaay overestimated my
ambition and want-to, and seriously underestimated my fatigue from a
week or so of 4- to 5-hour nights.
And then, wonder of wonders, Larry got home early! He dawdled about until we were almost not early, but we managed to get to
church in time to put our cards into the appropriate families’ bags. Uh,
into the families’ appropriate bags. Well, something was
appropriate, anyway. ’Cuz we bagged
’em! Yeah, we done it, instead of
leaving some other poor chump to do it after the service, when everything
gets into quite the hullaballoo, on account of latenics like us leaving some
other poor chump to do it.
Somebody gets
a whole volley of those big brown paper grocery bags, and then people write
family names on them with markers, and the bags are set on tables in
alphabetical order. So if one’s cards
are also in alphabetical order, one can
really make tracks, trotting around those tables and dropping cards in bags.
Trouble is,
my printer spews out envelopes so fast and furious, it inserts newly-printed
envelopes between previously printed envelopes in the stack it makes. Always
something to foil one’s need to hurry!
We had a wonderful service, first
singing several Christmas carols, then listening as my nephew Robert, our
pastor, gave a sermon from the first chapter of Luke about Zacharias and his
wife Elisabeth, parents of John the Baptist, forerunner of Jesus.
The band and orchestra played, and the
children sang and read verses or recited poems.
We do so very much love to hear the
children sing and play their instruments, and we love the wonderful old
Christmas story.
We came home with a big bag stuffed
full of cards and pictures from our friends.
Those are my favorite things – pictures of our friends’ families and
We stopped at the store before coming home to get more ear-mite
medicine for Tiger. Last week, he clawed
a big, bad sore in his ear because of those mites; I evidently hadn’t been
treating them aggressively enough. It got terribly infected, and we had a
hard time getting him over it, even though we put triple antibiotic on it
several times a day.
The sore is all healed up now, and the mites don’t seem to
be bothering him much at all.
I sat down to
look at Christmas cards and pictures.
yawwwwn ...))
the coffee pot was empty, and the butler had already gone home for the
night. I made myself a cup of the
Legends of China white tea Loren gave me.
Thursday, I would embroider! Machine embroider, that is.
In the
morning, I got up, trotted into the bathroom for bath and shampoo, and turned
on the radio to listen to the news.
There was a sad story about a young farmer who lived about 10 miles to
our north; he was killed when the tractor motor he was working on
exploded. A tragedy at any time, but
sadder yet when it happens at Christmas time, I think.
I soon had my
head under the faucet, thereby becoming a bona fide ‘captive audience’, as it
were, to the very most stupidest rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas I ever did hear in my whole
life. Bah, humbug! I wanted news, not idiots who considered
themselves singers. No, artists. It’s ‘artists’, these days. ‘Artists’.
Haha! (In the most sarcastic
sense of the word.)
I made a pot
of coffee. I didn’t measure the coffee grounds. Larry and Caleb
never measure, and their coffee is always yummy. (We won’t discuss
Victoria’s coffee(?)(!) at this time.) The bag was getting empty... the
back of my hand gets grounds on it when I reach waaaay down into the bag... so,
I did it Larry and Caleb’s way: I just dumped it out. When I had
approximately the right amount in the filter, I peered into the bag. It
was almost gone. Might as well use up the rest.
That coffee didn’t
taste like anything I usually make, and it certainly didn’t taste like Larry
and Caleb’s, either. I’m telling you, that ‘rest of the bag’ idea was
I’m going to
be looking surprised for at least a week.
Just call me
‘Sarah Let’s Add More Water to That Lynn’.
For a good 45
minutes, I kept drinking half an inch out of my cup, grimacing, and then
filling it with hot water. Drink, fill. Drink, fill. It was finally
alllllmost bearable.

You know how to tell the difference in these birds, when
they’re way across the yard?
Well, do you?
You glue rulers to all your trees.
I told this good advice to a friend. She looked at me blankly, then asked, “What
good does that do?”
So I told her, “Well, the birds can sit next to the rulers,
see how tall they are, and then they can tell you which variety of woodpecker
they are.” ((...pause...)) “’Course, you’ll
have to split their tongues first, so they’ll be able to talk.”
Hair curled, I was ready for breakfast. What should I eat?
A truck came rumbling down the lane – it was the UPS man
with an order of groceries from Wal-Mart.
Mmmmm! I was ready
for Raisin Crrrrrunch cereal!
Please pass the milk.
.... and suddenly, an old memory surfaced: Me,
saying to my mother (just to bug her, you know), “Seelp sap the klim.”
I got really good – and fast – at saying each of the
words in a sentence backwards. Just to bug my mother, you know.
That day, I
embroidered designs
from a set by Carol Endres called Willow Woolkeepers. I have no good guidelines for coloring other
than a poor-quality, small picture I found on the Internet. The small, black and white screen on my
embroidery/sewing machine sometimes makes it hard to tell what part of the
design is going to be stitched next. I
muddled along, trying to make edjeeecated guesses (as Rufus says, in Gasoline
Sooner or later, I’m going to stitch out a purple face and a
flesh-colored hat.
Each design takes at least an hour and a half, not counting
thread changes or husbands coming home from work, hungry and looking for
We had chef salad for supper, along with fruit and nuts
given to us at church after the service.
I put a Schwan’s apple pie into the oven for dessert.
That night, I
finished another tea towel. This one is
called ‘The Hoer’ (as in, ‘person who hoes’).
I clipped the
thread, cut new pieces of stabilizer, inserted stabilizers and the next tea
towel into the hoop, and pressed ‘Menu’ to go to another design.
It was blank.
I pressed
other options, went back to Menu.
blank. I pulled the card out, put it
back in. Blank. I rebooted the machine. The card remained blank. What in the world?

Rats! I only used three designs on that card, and
the dumb thing cost about $25.
Furthermore, I can find nary another card like it anywhere on the
Friday, my
machine toiled away, and I left it now and again to wrap and bag gifts.
If I get too involved with something else, a thread invariably breaks,
or the bobbin runs out. Just another of Murphy’s Laws. The new machines stop when that happens, and a little beep sounds.

I’m having
fun using all the pretty Sulky embroidery thread I got from a lady on
SewItsForSale. The thing is, a collection of thread can look like ever so
many colors ---- but when you actually start embroidering all sorts of designs,
you discover you sho’ ’nuff could use a whole lot more!
It’s really amazing
(to me, anyway) watching my machine embroider such things as these puppies,
especially the ‘fur’. First, it does a stabilizing stitch over the
area... then it fills it in entirely with horizontal stitches. Next, it
heads back over the works, doing zigzags long and short, this way and that,
until it really does look like fur. Sometimes I could be doing
other things, but I’m entranced with watching the machine work.
Saturday, Christmas
Eve, U.S. Security issued a warning to churches
to be on the watch, as ISIS (or some offshoot of the terrorist group) has sent
out a list of churches for their zealots to target over Christmas.
does some of the world think we should tolerate such murderous, godless heathenistic
Larry and I
seem to have gotten a touch of food poisoning Friday night after eating some
take-out from Runza. I suspect it was the onion rings. I only ate a couple, because I didn’t like
them; they didn’t taste quite right. They’re
usually pretty good. The runza itself
tasted scrumptious. It was only after
eating the onion rings that we felt a little queasy.
After feeling
sick most of the night, we were fine and dandy again by Saturday afternoon, or
almost. That makes it all the more likely it was food poisoning, since
bona fide stomach flu (or, to be medically correct, gastroenteritis) usually
lasts longer than that.
Larry bought himself
a Christmas gift that morning – a new tool chest. A friend asked, “What are YOU going to buy as your
Christmas present? A new sewing machine?”
Ha! The
sewing machine I want would be about twenty times the price of Larry’s
tool chest! :-O
“For now,” I
told her, “I’ll just be thankful that we were able to go buy all the
grandchildren’s Christmas gifts. I’ll
get all crabby and think I really need new machines (notice the plural)
another day.”
As it turned
out, the day wasn’t even over before I wondered if I might have to get another sewing machine.
When we got
home from our shopping spree at Wal-Mart, Larry went off to see if he could
find some venison walking around on the hoof.
I set my
machine to embroidering another tea towel while I snacked happily on beets, a
banana, cottage cheese with half a pear on top, fresh raspberries with a little
bit of peach smoothie poured over the top, and Tropicana orange juice. I
had a slice of apple-fritter cobbler bread for dessert, with steaming Caramel
Drizzle coffee to wash it all down. Being hungry, I’d dished up at least twice
the amount I could actually eat. That wasn’t just a snack; that was supper. Light on the vegetables, though.
That evening,
the sewing machine locked up. I rebooted
it, oiled it, put a new needle in it, repositioned the embroidery design, and
started stitching again. The machine didn’t
sound quite right, but it was stitching.
I went on embroidering.
A few hours later, it locked up tighter’n a jug, making good on its earlier
threat. So I did what I do best: I hurried upstairs calling, “Larrrrrryyyyy!!!”
I told him what kind of screwdriver we needed to take off the sewing
machine cover to the left of the take-up lever (“an end with more thingies than
a Phillips”), as I was fairly certain there was thread caught inside it
He found a screwdriver... took off the cover... and
indeed there was a large glob (technical term meaning ‘clump, chunk, hunk,
and wad’) of thread all tangled around the spring for the needle bar, and more thread
back where we couldn’t see. I pulled most of it out with my serger
tweezers, and then Larry vacuumed it out. He oiled it in places where I
have been unable to reach, being careful not to get it on the electronics.
We rebooted the machine and started it running slowly, then a little
faster, until the oil worked its way into tight spots.
I think it’s fixed now. I sure hope so.
I finished four towels that day. The large strawberry
design wound up with permanent marker dots for seeds instead of embroidery
thread, because that was where the machine quit.
Sunday, Christmas Day, we had unusual weather. It was warm, with a couple of loud thunderstorms. About a quarter ’til 5, I suddenly realized
that while the rain was coming down and the skies were a dark cadet blue, the
setting sun was also shining very brightly from the west.
I knew what that
meant, or hoped I did. I dashed for the
eastern window, peered out – and yesirree, there was a brilliant rainbow, and this one was a double!
I ran for my camera.
A few minutes later, the sun went down, but it was
still shining on those puffy cottonball clouds (scientific term meaning ‘puffy,
cottonball-shaped clouds’),
making them all salmon pink and gold against a dark blue sky.
cute little knitted slippers are still soaked, because I knew I had no time to
waste, and grabbed camera and dashed out on the front porch without bothering
to either shed the slippers or don shoes. The porch was covered with half
an inch of water. I went splatting out,
and Tabby, who was sitting on a dryer corner of the porch, turned around and
stared curiously at my feet.
getting her socks wet, he was quite clearly thinking. Why would she do that?!
He’s the cat
who shakes his paws merely from standing in the doorway watching me mop the floor, even though not a drop of water has
touched those little feet, silly kitty.
Last night there were 60-80-mph wind gusts. The wind blew Loren’s camper off the block he had the hitch sitting
on, and backed it uphill on his drive about four feet. It took down his
internet dish and smashed it on the ground, and tore trim from his front
window. It removed a piece of siding from Larry’s garage and blew sheets
of insulation around.
Our neighbors lost a big,
nice Austrian pine.
Why couldn’t it have blown down the dead tree, instead of the
healthy, pretty
we still have roofs over our heads – and I got these photos!
Here’s one where you can see the second rainbow
reflection a little more clearly. Mists rolled over it quickly, and soon
the second one faded. The main arc stayed bright for a good fifteen minutes.
Our Christmas dinner with our church members was today at
noon. We had roast beef, mashed potatoes
and gravy, carrots, onions, green beans, freshly baked bread sliced and
buttered hot, lettuce salad, pickles and olives, strawberry jello, chocolate or
white milk, apple or orange juice, coffee or tea, and a variety of cheesecakes.

When we got home, I gave it a try – and it woiks, it woiks, it woiks!
The camera went right on shooting a movie, and didn’t turn off until I decided to turn it off. Wheeeee!

Larry went
hunting again, and this time he got a deer.
He cleaned it at the shop. Soon
our freezer will be full of venison.
prettier when they’re alive,” I commented, when he sent me a picture of it.
“They taste
better when they aren’t,” he replied.

I’ll stick a note in the package telling them that it’s
their own fault the gift is late, for deciding to get married right after
Christmas, of all things. heh
Oh! There’s a great
horned owl hooting, right outside my window!
I hope little Tabby has enough sense to get himself under cover, if he’s
out there somewhere.
,,,>^..^<,,, Sarah Lynn ,,,>^..^<,,,
May I just say that I am in awe of all you accomplish! I found your blog through one of my Yahoo groups ~ maybe Cyberquilters?? I think I need to buckle down to get more done. I am actually coming to Omaha next June for a quilting retreat of my online quilt group called Sunshine Quilters. Love the nature pictures as I take lots of them also.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Beth! That's a nice compliment. :-)