February Photos

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Photo: New Glasses Surprise

Have you ever noticed that, when you're choosing new glasses frames, it's hard to tell what you're getting when you're blundering around without any glasses on? I thought I'd chosen a pair of frames with a pretty circle of rhinestones on the temples, and a rose in the center of the circle. Imagine my surprise when the other day I had on some magnifying glasses... reached for my regular glasses without first removing the magnifiers -- and discover... **there's a FACE in the middle of the rhinestones!!! 😲 Furthermore, I think it's Dagwood Bumstead's little sister.

Turns out the face is the Versace Medusa logo.  Aarrgghh, who could guess the pitfalls of merely trying to see well enough to not walk into walls??

But at least Versace decided to portray Medusa with flowing hair, as opposed to snakes.  

Ah, well.  As long as the glasses are on my head (and I don't have my magnifiers on), I can't see it. Brings to mind a poem my father used to quote: 

For beauty, I'd not win a prize;
There are others more lovely by far.
My face -- I don't mind it,
Because I'm behind it.
It's those in the front get the jar!

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