February Photos

Monday, September 2, 2024

Photos: Nebraska State Fair

In Monroe

Loup River


In Central City

At the Nebraska State Fair

Larry practicing his archery

Taxidermy mounts in the Nebraska Game and Parks building

Heading back to Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue

Nebraska Game & Parks Aquarium

Friends! -- our son-in-law Bobby's younger brother Stephen, who is also our school principal, and his two little boys.

Marc Dobson, One-Man Band

Marc Dobson, the One-Man Band

This friendly sheep wanted to nibble on my shiny rings.

This one must've been trying to eat its bedding... or its cooling coat... or the sheep in the next stall.  This type of muzzle does not hinder it from drinking.

Fresh-hatched baby piglets in the birthing pavilion at the State Fair.

Anytime I post pictures of a sow in a farrowing stall with her piglets beside her, there will be people who rant and rave about ‘inhumane and cruel’ treatment, never mind the fact that if the sows are not kept in those farrowing stalls while her tiny new piglets are right beside her, she will doubtless squish a good number – maybe even all – of them.  The mother may weigh 500-650 pounds.  The piglets only weigh 3-4 pounds.

Off and on throughout the day, people move the piglets out of the way and let the sow get up for some exercise, food, and water.  What ranters and ravers find it hard to understand is that pigs just plain like to lie around in laze and comfort!  These animals that we see at the fair are well-cared-for pets.

So funny watching ducklings swim, as the top part of them looks totally relaxed -- while their little webbed feet and paddling lickety-split. Sort of like a toddler on a tricycle. 😂

There's the face of a Corgi on that heart, in a pixelated quilt design. The Log Cabin design on the Nebraska-shaped base in done in 'corn rows'.

More friends!

This piggy wanted some attention from us!  Every time we started walking away, she grunted and oinked, begging us to come back, in her piggy way.

The face she made when Larry scritch-scratched behind her ears.

The woebegone face she made when we started walking off.

They must've run plumb out of food!

There's Larry, giving serious thought to bustin' open our second Celsius drink.  This is not a light decision, as those things cost $5 a pop, at the State Fair!  😯😬

After this, we went in the Pinnacle Expo building to see all the quilts.  
You can see them here.

Fledgling American robin

Farmer Bob, music and all

Look, there's a lady in a nifty blue-and-white quilt-square dress! See how many times you can spot her in the ensuing photos, as we pass overhead. Her children are in the seat directly in front of us. At one point you can see her look up at them.
Too bad I didn't get her contact info so I could send her some pictures!

It's quite a view from up there!

See the lady in the quilt?  Her children are in the seat in front of us.

Garden produce. Those tomatoes made my mouth water!

In Chapman
Too bad, Lulu's is now closed.

In Central City

Loup River

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