February Photos

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Photos: Christmas Rainbow

Just look at the sky we were treated to this afternoon. I never before remember seeing a rainbow on Christmas day -- and this one was a double rainbow. A few minutes later, the sun went down, but it was still shining on those puffy cottonball clouds (scientific term meaning 'puffy, cottonball-shaped clouds').

All this, after an unusually warm day, and a couple of loud thunderstorms. Tonight we've had 80 mph wind gusts. Our neighbor lost a tall, beautiful Austrian pine. My brother's camper was blown backwards uphill on his driveway about 4 feet, and his Internet dish was blown off the house and smashed.

Nevertheless, we still have roofs over our heads -- and I got these photos!

Here's one where you can see the second rainbow reflection a little more clearly.  Mists rolled over it quickly, and soon the second one faded.  The main arc stayed brilliant for a good 15 minutes.

And my cute little knitted slippers are still soaked, because I knew I had no time to waste, and grabbed camera and dashed out on the front porch without bothering to either shed the slippers or don shoes. :-D  And the porch was covered with half an inch of water.  I went splatting out, and Tabby, who was sitting on the corner of the porch, turned around and stared curiously at my feet.  She’s getting her socks wet, he was quite clearly thinking. Why would she do that?!

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