February Photos

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Photos: Mulberries, Lilies, Weed Buds, and a Boobytrap

Every time I go out, I grab a few handfuls of mulberries.  Mmmmm, mmmm.

Stella d'Oro Lily



Stella d'Oro lily


Stargazer tigerlilies

Stargazer lilies

Stargazer tigerlily


Hosta bud

Weed bud.  The leaves are jagged and pokey.  ?

Each bud is about the size of my littlest fingernail.

And this is the chair that let me down when I was taking a picture of the previously-posted quilt.  A bit startling!  

First thoughts:  **Save the camera!**  (I did.)

Dumb thing.  They ought to make that nylon canvas stuff heavy-duty enough to hold 125 pounds, even if that 125 pounds *is* all concentrated on one foot!  heh


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