February Photos

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Photos: Columbus and Roselawn Cemetery

 This afternoon after our morning services, we put flowers on family graves.  After our evening church service, we drove back through town and out to the cemetery to take pictures, since I had neglected to take my camera, earlier.

My niece Susan's gravesite.

Charles & Susan and their three grandchildren.

My nephew David's gravesite.  David was Susan's brother.

John H. was my sister's husband.

Our grandson Liam's gravesite.

The etching was done from a photo of Baby Liam in Caleb's hand.

Son-in-law Jeremy's and daughter-in-law Maria's great-grandparents.  They were good friends of my parents.

A couple of my parents' best friends.

A dear friend.  She had Down's Syndrome.

Son-in-law Andrew's grandparents.

Larry's uncle and aunt.

Jeremy and Maria's grandparents.  Helen sort of accidentally taught me to read when I was just 4.  She taught me to play the piano, too.

Malinda was Jeremy's mother, who died in childbirth when Jeremy was 14.

Jeremy's younger brother, who drowned.

Annette was Larry's brother Kenny's wife.

Arthur was Larry's cousin.

Great-grandparents of Kurt.

Marlene was one of my best friends.  She was a teacher at our church school for 27 years.  She was son-in-law Bobby's aunt and son-in-law Kurt's great-aunt.

Frankie was Kurt's great-uncle.

Dorothy is Jeremy's younger sister.  Her husband Craig died in a construction accident.

Larry's parents.  They were very dear to me.

Bobby's parents.  Bethany and I used to ride bikes to school together when we were in Jr. and Sr. High.

Bobby's grandparents and Kurt's great-grandparents.

Kurt's great-grandparents.

Gay was my Sunday School teacher when I was about 9.

Dennis and Marlene's baby.

My parents.

Janice was my sister-in-law, married to my brother Loren.  Hard to believe it's been 10 years since she passed away.

Abigail would've been Baby Charles' cousin.

Lawrence married my mother-in-law Norma after both of their spouses passed away from cancer.  He was the other grandpa several of our younger children ever knew.  He treated our children just the same as he treated his own grandchildren.

Janice's parents.

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