February Photos

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Photos: Birds at the Birdbath

"Come on in, the water's fine!"

"Whoa, whoooa, whoooooa! This thing is *slippery*."

"Hey, I wanna play, too!"

"Whoooopsy-daisy! Getting out is sorta tricky."

"Okay, my turn." "Well, it's my turn next!"

Papa Sparrow arrives to check on the young'ns, and baby immediately goes to screeching for food.

Male Baltimore oriole arrives at the birdbath. He doesn't seem to mind the juvenile English sparrow watching the show, though he made such exuberant splashes, baby sparrow had to shake the water from his own head.

Along comes an American robin, and then an Orchard oriole, who is altogether put out that the robin is taking so long in the shower. Look at him opening his beak threateningly at the robin. "It's MY turn, I tell you, MY turn!" The robin seems impervious to the Orchard oriole's pique. The oriole DID finally get his turn.

Orchard oriole

Baltimore oriole

Baltimore oriole

American robin

Last but not least, the blue jay.

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