February Photos

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Photos: Trip to Grand Island, then Halsey, Nebraska

Today we took my things to enter in the State Fair at Grand Island.  Then on to Kearney for some gear grease for the Polaris RZR... then to Bessey Campground in Nebraska National Forest near Halsey, Nebraska.

Double Rose of Sharon Hibiscus, or Hibiscus syriacus, that Victoria planted in our back yard 3 or 4 years ago.  It's now blooming like everything.

Commelina communis - Asiatic Dayflower, Mouse Ears, Dew Herb. The blossom of this member of the Spiderwort family lasts for one day. Introduced from its native Asia, it is considered weedy or invasive by some authorities, having spread widely throughout eastern North America.

Loup River

One red truck after the other!

We were stalled out for a while because of road construction -- they're putting Armor Coat on the road.  That's tar and then gravel.  When they finally let us through, the vehicles were kicking up quite a cloud of dust,

Middle Loup River

One coal train after another. 120-car trains are about average, with each car carrying roughly 120 tons. Thus the capacity of a coal train is around 15,000 tons per train.

Sunset at Anselmo, Nebraska

The sunset looks funny because of wildfires out west.

Plump little toad making merry with a smorgasbord of bugs under an old-fashioned lamp post in Bessey Camp, Nebraska National Forest.



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