February Photos

Monday, May 18, 2015

Papa Finch with Triplets, Robin with Worm, & Hydrangea with Wooden Wind Chimes

And we thought the other poor Papa Finch with twins was run ragged! -- but here's a Papa with triplets.  The female house finch on the right has mycoplasmal conjunctivitis -- an eye infection house finches are particularly susceptible to.  Though it visibly affects the eyes, it is primarily a respiratory infection.

Male American goldfinch

House wren taking a dust bath.  The wren is one of our smallest birds, but oh, my, can they ever sing.  You can listen to their songs here: 

They flit and scamper about so very quickly, I have yet to get a good, perfectly focused shot of one of these cute little birds.

American robin going worm-hunting.

Caught one!

Just look at that full crop.

The hunt continues...


Any woims down thar?

Yup!  Another successful grab.

The search goes on...

Victoria's wooden wind chimes, purchased at Earl May's Gardening Center, where she works.

They make a soft, pretty sound in the wind, not at all annoying like those little jangly things a neighbor used to have hanging on her porch.

Lilacs just starting to bloom.

Hydrangea Victoria just planted.

Windblown clematis

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