February Photos

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Keller State Park

On the way to Keller State Park



Acorn and oak leaves


Empty acorn shells

Lamb's ear

Cardinal meadowhawk dragonfly

Cardinal meadowhawk dragonfly

Cardinal meadowhawk dragonfly

Just look how he tips his head to look at me!

Yellow sulphur





Goldenrod gone to seed


Cardinal meadowhawk dragonfly

Larry with rainbow trout

"HELP!!!  It's got me!"

Rainbow trout


Rainbow trout

Spider in ... snake hole?

There aren't many flowers still blooming, so the insects cluster together.

Red sumac

Buffalobur nightshade

Goldenrod gone to seed

Buffalobur nightshade

Northern dune tiger beetle

Granddaddy longlegs

Northern dune tiger beetle

Northern dune tiger beetle

Buffalobur nightshade

Granddaddy longlegs

Buffalobur nightshade

Colorado potato beetle on buffalobur nightshade

Colorado potato beetle on buffalobur nightshade

Colorado potato beetle on buffalobur nightshade

Spotted cucumber beetle

Spotted cucumber beetle

Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle

Now watch this little guy go on a precarious climb up the thorny stem, trying to find a route to the other blossom with its tasty pollen.

This isn't as easy as it looks...

Look at that foot waving, hunting for a toehold...

Ah, finally, he made it!  (Nom nom nom nom nom)

Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole)

Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole) on buffalobur nightshade

Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole)

Red sumac

Red sumac

Red sumac

Lamb's ear

Monarda - bee balm, metallic green bee

Little green bee on Monarda

Canada thistle

Goldenrod gone to seed


A fish jumped -- this is all I caught of it.

Red-Shouldered Bug (Jadera haematoloma), also known as the Golden Rain Tree bug, on milkweed

This little black-striped bee and the little metallic green bee are having a feud over this little aster.

Now they're on opposite sides of the flower --

-- but it didn't last long!

The black striped bee is more aggressive.  Just look at that threatening mouth!

But the pollen is yummy ... and the little metallic green bee keeps coming back.

The rare Bobber Tree


Prickly pear cactus




I started to sit down at a picnic table... but this little guy was lurking between the tabletop boards.  I decided to let him have the table, and chose another.


Just look at those new shoes Larry got for me.  He must not want to lose me!

Victoria, clowning with the rainbow trout she and Larry have caught.

Black cricket

Larry needs to decock the crossbow, and the best way to do it is to shoot it.  He's showing Victoria how to aim, using the scope.

"You sure you don't want to do it?"
"Yep; let Victoria do it."

See the little green feather on top, just under the scope?

Now the feather is gone -- she's pulled the trigger.

And whataya know -- she's hit that target dead center in the heart!

Larry offers to recock it for me... I declined, since Victoria says it has quite a kick, and hit her shoulder good and hard.

Larry, cleaning the trout on the back patio behind the Long Pine cabin.

Now it's after midnight, and we're home again.  I've been emptying the bags -- and Teensy has climbed into the big one.  I imagine he supposes if he stays in it, we won't be able to fill it again and head off somewhere else!

He's pretending to ignore me.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures. That sumac is so pretty.
    Sure wish I had some of those empty acorn "shells", how neat.
    Thank you, kingcooper0001@aol.com


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